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    1. UBS, swimming pool and the lion king play

      by , 01-03-2012 at 07:05 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      This dream is an early one and I don't remember it very well....

      one part is that I am with some family and we go to a water park or so.
      We buy to the dad a big kind of trophy made of turkish sugar.... it looks like two twisting walls and a bar in the middle. At one point, when they start to eat it, I tell them that I wanted to weigh it as I believe it had more than three kilograms. They somewhat argue with me.

      Then we jump to the water.... I remember swimming under the water in the swimming pool.. it was pretty deep.

      another scene is in the garage on my house. I have parked our car and there is some other guy somewhat interfering with it. My mum wants something from me. I think there is some key hassle or so.

      I also remember going to a theatre that looks like the new building that is being build at UBS. I get there and there are two girls that I was supposed to watch the play with. I think it was The Lion King. But when I get there it is over. I suggest that we stay and watch another play, as they may play it again right after. But the stage is being all cleaned up and reorganised. Those girls say that this was the last time they played it. I don't feel very bad at all... I don't know why.
    2. Skinny Dipping 02/11/11

      by , 10-05-2011 at 10:37 PM (My Wapped Dreamscape)
      This Dream I canonly remember a few items.

      I was in anopen aired swimming pool and was swimming in the nude. As I swam towards a friend (no one in particular, just knew this person was my friend), I realised that I was the only one naked. This didn't embarass me, I just didn't want to be going counter to everyone else. left as inconspicuousely as I couldto the changing roomand came back fully clothed with shorts and a shirt similar to how my friend was dressed.
    3. With Skrbek at swimming pool

      by , 05-19-2011 at 01:38 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      *I go somewhere with someone. Skrbek joins us but is upset because of something. We go to swimming pool. We get to the changing room upstairs. I have a pack of bonbons he has one too. There is some problem with the locker. I keep rushing him, but finally we get to the swimming pool. I take many things with me, such as wallet, goggles, and clipper. I think about loads of things. When we go home, I see that he lives in a small box like home (bunka). As we keep walking on the road, there is a big lorry that cannot go through a turn. There are some police mans that redirect it different way.
      **I am at a petrol station. I am not sure if I work there. But probably yes. (then I say pure random stuff)
    4. 1 of 3 - May 10, 2011

      by , 05-10-2011 at 08:18 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The first of three dreams on May 10th, 2011:

      I am with my parents in a distorted version of the city I was raised in. It is a very hot summer and we are going to a swimming center to cool off. When we get there the swimming center has three pools in different rooms. The first room has a pool that has been converted to an ice rink, even though are are many pillars throughout, and there are hockey players in black and grey jerseys practicing on it. The second pool is huge and looks like two olympic sized pools stuck together. The thid pool in the last room is an indoor wave pool but it is closed for repairs.

      My parents go to the second pool, but I go into the first room to watch the hockey. The game is just ending and workers come out and do something to the ice which makes it melt right away. Some of the players take off their hockey gear and strip down to bathing suits and jump into the icy water. I stick my feet in but am not brave enough to get in the freezing water. Soon the workers return and begin draining the pool of the water. Tables are set up around the pillars in the pool and the tables are set for eating. A catering table is brought out and set up along one side of the pool and along the farthest end (in the shallow end) many tables are set up and hundreds of soapstone sculptures are put on display.

      Many people come into the first room from the other pool and begin eating. I am fascinated by the range of sculptures and ignore everything else to look closely at and admire them. There are two young men also looking at the sculpures, one middle eastern man and a caucasian man who is very handsome. I catch the eye of the caucasian man and blush and turn my attention back to the sculptures, pretending not to have been looking at the handsome man. I recognize some of the soapstone sculptures as famous one or ones that I have made myself. Some also look farmiliar though I cannot remember where I have seen them before.

      Time is warped somehow. I can feel myself moving slowing and everything around me is moving very fast. People come and go for their food in a blur and soon it is nighttime and the place is empty save for a few of the hockey players and the two young men I had seen before. They invite me over to the tables around the pillars to eat and I am excited to find that sushi is being served in abundance. Time seems to warp again and seen the hockey players are gone and only the two young men and I are left. We eat as much of the leftover sushi as we can because we don't want to see it thrown away and wasted.

      After we have eaten our fill I go back to the soapstone sculptures and continue admiring them. There are two peices that I am really attracted to and the handome causasian man comes over to tell me that he created those. I am speechless with awe and embarassed to recieve his attention and say nothing, but he comes and stands very close to me and shows me with great detail and intimacy how he created his work. I just stand there with my head and heart spinning and blush.

      There is an explosion outside. The middle eastern man comes running inside with some people I think are his family. There are more explosions and gunfire to be heard but none of us seem to know what is going on. Suddenly soldiers in black uniforms come barging in and seperate the middle wastern people from the causasian man and I. We try to tell the soldiers that they are our friends and innocent of anything, but they will not listen to us. The sounds of fighting continure outside and soon a commander dressed in American fatigues comes in and orders the middle eastern people arrested for terrorism. Again our pleas that they are innocent are ignored and they are carted away outside.

      Most of the soldiers follow the commander out, except for two, who are left to keep guard over the handsome caucasian man and I as we are placed uder house arrest and cannot leave the pool area. We huddle and shiver in fear together.
    5. March 9, 2011

      by , 03-10-2011 at 05:49 AM (Requiem's DJ)
      I completed the basic task although very poorly.

      I slip in and out of dreams all morning and become lucid when I realize a really attractice women I don't know is swimming in a pool in my backyard. I begin walking to my fridge to compelte the b-TotM but lose vision. I remain still and the dream reforms.

      I again start walking to the house and the fridge and out of the corner of my eye I see a small garden behind the pool sort of. I find an apple growing on a vine and some carrots. I take a bite of the apple and its not juicy or very good. It is real dry. I wake up
    6. Beat Up by a DC

      by , 03-05-2011 at 03:02 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I have been very busy for the past week with exams to study for, and rather stressed. As a result, I have not been keeping up with my dream journal and my recall is getting a little out of shape. Last night I was a little on edge, so I took 800mg valerian. I slept briefly from 12:30am to about 3:00, and then had difficulty getting back to sleep. I took approximately 1/4mg of melatonin at this point. I then briefly attempted a MILD, but my mind was so restless it was difficult to keep any mantra or visualization. Nonetheless, I appear to have been successful in something

      Beat Up

      ... I am part of a much larger adventure. We are in school or a library or something, possibly in Japan. It might even be a hotel. There is a large swimming pool in one room, and we are chasing after some villain. I apprehend this guy in the pool room, which is also some kind of laboratory. Cornered, he turns on me.

      The guy is Japanese, and much larger than I am. I am no match for him, and we circle around a set of shelves containing chemical equipment and some glassware. I think to myself "this is a very odd situation. Not only that, I'm in a school, near a swimming pool, and there are lots of other things that are dreamsigns. I don't ordinarily fight Japanese guys in real life. I'll bet I'm dreaming."
      Sure enough, I soon realize, I am!

      My Japanese opponent takes advantage of my temporary disorientation upon realizing that I am dreaming. As I stand there laughing to myself and patting myself on the back, he jumps around to my side of the shelves and closes in. "Ha ha!" I laugh, "You do realize this is a dream, don't you? You're no match for me!"

      He continues to come towards me. I decide I had better stabilize the dream, so I try a dream posession technique like the one I had great success with in a lucid dream last week. I decide to try to posess my opponent, but he won't stand still. I can see that he won't cooperate for me, and I remember that part of the success last time came from the fact that I posessed my dream self, Monk. I summon Monk.

      "Monk," I order, "Appear right here." I indicate to the spot next to me. I look, and there he is, waiting. I step sideways until I should be standing in the same spot as him, and blink a few times until I am seeing with his eyes. I am starting to get this posession technique down, but it was not easy to complete last night because the Japanese fellow was still attacking me.

      "Wait a minute!" I say, not quite understanding why he is still playing his part. "Let me stabilize this dream." He doesn't wait, but takes a swing at me. I glance around quickly, trying to notice details and activate my senses. I am partially successfull in this, though it is not easy to do a proper job of it with a huge thug trying to pulverize my skull.

      "OK," I say, visiously turning on my assailant, "If that's the way you want it, fine! You're no match for me, this is my dream. I'm lucid, you know."

      The Japanese thug just sneers at me, and swings at me again. "Watch this," I say. I visualize a force of energy coming out of my finger, and into the stomach of my attacker. Not much happens, so I thrust at him, feeling the energy as I do so. He looks down at his stomach, as though I had just poked him. Then he laughs.

      "You really thought that that would work?" he roars, "Well watch this!" He punches me in the stomach and I double over. Then he grabs me by the shoulders, and throws me into the wall. My breath is knocked out of me. This is not going at all well. Pinning me against the wall by the shoulders, he peers into my face (all this time smiling in a self-satisfied way as though he knows DC's aren't supposed to do this). "What about this?" he says, punching me in the face. "How is the dream going now?" Then he slaps my face a couple of times, pulls back his fist, and delivers a punch directly between the eyes that wakes me up.

      At the Lake

      My famliy and I are at a lake. It is on that I used to dream of more frequently, but have not for a while. We wade a little bit at a beach, and come across some large rocks in the water. My Dad starts climbing around on them, jumping from one to another. There is one jump he is hesitant to make, but when I get out onto the rocks I attempt the jump. It isn't like you fall very far if you miss, the rocks are only a few inches out of the water. I miss one jump, and splash into the water. My parents chuckle, and that's all that happens. Pretty anticlimactic for a dream after taking valerian.

      There be Giants

      We are in a place with many tunnels. I'm not entirely sure who we are, but I think is it something like the crew of the starship Enterprise. But I'm also at my grandparents' house. Anyway, it is more like a huge sewer system. Many adventures take place that are a little fuzzy when I try to recall them, but they invlolve some mythtical creatures and some robots. A robot crawls inside of the Moon, which somehow causes time to stand still. This does something with a giant.

      We now have to defeat this giant. The location is like a shopping mall now. An element of romance has been added, as I am trying to win a girl I believe. There are other people around. I can't remember what they are supposed to be doing. Anway, we can hear the footsteps of the giant down one of the tunnels. They get closer and closer, and we realize we had better seek cover. I try to run up a narrow set of stairs, but the giant follows. There is a scene where two of us and the giant are running around and around the stairs, jumping down to a lower part of the stairwell and running back up again. Then I run into a department store and hide among the shelves.

      The giant is captured, and some of our group sets to work on performing a labotomy or something. They open it's skull, and pour in some liquid. A few minutes later, the giant wakes up. I am afraid that he might turn on us again, so I stay in hiding (for some reason, I was a big coward in this dream). Soon the giant approaches the place where I am hiding. Some of my companions come running in to tell me that everything is OK, and the giant is harmless now.
    7. A jumble of events

      by , 02-01-2011 at 04:27 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Another one of those nights, apparently. I dreamed about everything from the Dukes of Hazzard to Star Trek to being chased by lions. Much of it seems to be jumbled up in trying to remember it though.

      Big City Dukes

      We are watching the Dukes of Hazzard. The Duke boys are in a big city somewhere, out in front of a high rise hotel. I explain to the people watching it with me "this must be an episode where they go to the big city."

      Roscoe appears high up on a balcony watching them. He is about to arrest them for something or other. But Luke has the great idea of convincing him that there is a criminal in the swimming pool. He writes the name of the criminal on the edge of the pool. It starts with a "W" but the rest of it is a bit hard to read. Roscoe leans over to read it, and of course falls into the swimming pool. Bo and Luke take off running.

      Meanwhile, Roscoe is clinging to the edge of the pool. "I can't swim!" he gasps, trying to keep his grip. Still, he inches his way along the edge trying to read the name that Luke wrote. Fortunately for him, somebody shows up in time to help him out of the pool to safety...

      ...We are walking in the big city (the whole Dukes thing seems to be over). We come to a castle. Or rather, it used to be a castle, but is now just integrated into the city. There is a row of shops in what used to be the keep, and the area surrounded by the moat is now sort of a downtown area. In order to get to this part, we have to climb down into a ramp that goes beneath the level of the rest of the town. It is a steep slope and I have a difficulty getting down in.


      (Maybe this is still part of the dream above. I don't know.) I need to get somewhere. In order to get there I have to cross a plain, much like a veldt in Africa. I see a large animal in the bushes near me that looks like a lion. I think to myself that it can't be a lion, since this is the US. It must be a large dog.

      The lion gets up from behind the bush, and starts to walk towards me. Yep, it's a lion allright. I walk quickly towards a steep ridge of some kind. I dash up the hill, and jump down the other side, safe from the lion. But there's another lion on this side! It starts towards me, and then runs into a clear plastic wall. I now see that the lions are kept in these plastic compounds. They look like they are running free, but they really aren't.

      Star Trek Dream

      (I seem to be unable to remember the first part of this dream at the moment.) I go downstairs to follow him [Picard, maybe? I don't quite remember.] He jumps through a portal at the bottom of the steps. I try to follow, but can't get the portal to work. It's the shape I don't understand. It appears to be made of a metal of some kind, that you have to bend into an opening and set in the right spot for it to work. Because he was a shapeshifter [?] I can't see it quite right. I bend it into what it looked like to me, which was twisted metal of some kind.

      He shows up again, and explains the trick. I look at the twisted metal in my hand and laugh. Then he takes it, presses a button or a switch in the chimney, and a hole opens up. He bends the metal to match the hole and jumps through.

      I am standing in the room, having just seem "him" vanish again. I get a wand of some sort. With this I can make lights go out. I have a bunch of stuff that I have collected. It is sort of like a computer game. I click on things that I have that have light. The lights dim. But they keep coming back before I can extinguish all of the light. I wonder what will happen when I do?

      Deanna Troi is watching me, and Tasha Yar is sitting on the couch behind me. I sit down next to her and put my arm around her. She seems to be unhappy, and I try to make her feel better. We both have something in common apparently. "We both know what it's like to be tortured," I say.

      I leave the building, because my parents are there to pick me up. At the same time, we are returning because I forgot something or they wanted me to check and make sure the doors are locked (or something). I go back in, and want to go back to the living room where Tasha is. I don't know if she is still there or not.

      School work/restaraunt

      I am sitting in class. It is a class I am taking for fun, so the school work doesn't matter so much to me. Still, when it comes time to copy weird phrases (like "Take Oyster Sea" and a picture of a buoy) I am a little concerned because I didn't copy it into my notebook. Instead, when the passed the sheet around with the phrases, I simply wrote another phrase after the one at the top. I thought this is what you were supposed to do, but I was wrong. When the sheet comes back to me I hurry to copy the phrases into my notebook. While I am doing this, a pretty girl in front of me starts complaining about her throat.

      "It's so dry, and I feel pretty bad," she says. "I have this cough, too."

      "That's what you said last week," the teacher says disapprovingly.

      "I know," she says. "It seems to happen whenever I am in this class."

      "Maybe you hate being here," the teacher says, getting angry now. "If you don't like this class, then stop pretending to be sick and drop it. I'm tired of you coming in here acting so sick every single day!"

      All this time I have been trying to concentrate on copying the weird phrases (which I can't read). Now I lift my head up.

      "It could be allergies," I say, "especially if you get it every time you are in this classroom."

      I contemplate buying out the other shares and owning the restaurant myself. (What, did I miss something? How did we get here? I don't know) I ask my boss what he would sell the business for. I know he wants to "get out from under it". He says he'll sell it for $500,000. I wonder if it would be a good investment. People buy semi-trucks as an investment. I think about that while I root around under the kitchen sink. "I'm paying for a truck driving education" says a future trucker, "it's an investment."
    8. 26 Oct: Vampire party, travel in time and to other planet

      by , 11-03-2010 at 11:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT – sleep

      Birthday party
      Going though airport checks and lines. Preparing to go outside. It’s freezing cold and I don’t have many clothes, just short sleeves. I prepare a postcard and a cake to offer to my grandma.
      There’s someone’s (grandma?) birthday party going to take place and I find myself walking around the city with a group of people who are preparing it. It will be on some open air space. They’ve set a table between two slopes. But it won’t be a peaceful celebration because there’s a bull on the loose in the fields and there’s a dragon flying around the hills.
      My mom appears and offers to drive us to wherever we need to go. She takes through stone paved streets to a bakery where we will get cake. She is upset because she had also ordered a cake, which is later delivered at the party. Too many birthday cakes, I think four.
      Back in the party, there’s lots of my relatives there, aunts, uncles, cousins. Then I excuse myself but need to use the toilet. They are all around the door and ask for a bit of privacy “please?”, but the door doesn’t close...

      2:00 GMT

      Vampire party
      In a party in a palace with some friends. Entrance is not allowed for humans, just for vampires but we crashed in, pretending we were vampires. Some of us went upstairs, but then there’s a snitch spreading the word that there are humans among them and they start searching for us. I manage to escape discretely to the outside with the group that stayed downstairs and I keep the door open while trying to call my other friends (on the mobile, I think), but doors are being locked to prevent anyone else to get out. There are some young vampires who also get outside, sick of the party I guess, and they spot us but they don’t denounce us. Actually there’s a young couple of vampires who walk by our side, when we’re leaving. The vampire girl says she finds cool what we did, that she is in favour of ending this segregation of humans, but the vampire guy she is with doesn’t seem to share so much her enthusiasm, even if he tolerates us.
      Then we follow separate paths but later on she passes by us on a kind of open top bus, where another party is going on. The bus stops by our side on the road and she asks if we want to hop in. She explains she just arranged her own “against discrimination” party where humans and non-humans will party together. At first my group rejects the idea, a bit afraid maybe, but then we end up joining in. The party goes really well and in the end there are humans and vampires hooked up and making out.

      3:05 GMT

      Alien planet
      Staying at a nice huge hotel. Must be on some other planet because I see through the windows really strange creatures, which I film. They are clearly intelligent and I see they have family bonds. They are similar to our primates although physically very different. Then out of the blue some guys with nets comu up and try to capture them. I see fear in the eyes of the creatures and lots of chaos as they run in all direction and try to protect their kids.
      I bend over my window and reach for the guys nets as they pass by under me – it’s all very fast, but I knew immediately I could not allow them to do it. Then I go inside the window without them even seeing me or what hit them.
      Later I’m downstairs at a cafeteria on a line to eat and I see a guy I knew from highschool. He works there and he is showing people the several drinks available and explains that the materials and designs of the bottles are all ecological. I just grab an orange juice and the bottle seems totally normal to me.
      I then meet a girl friend and she tells me we can join a group she met at some table, but we wander around without finding them. It’s then that I realise I am wearing a half-naked outfit, almost like a simple bikini, with a cape. Then as we look lost trying to get a table, a guy is totally digging me.

      I learn that this cafeteria has doors which lead to other rooms in different dimensions – to save space – so we decide to look for our friends in other of these other-dimension-rooms. Then I notice this freaky guy who can’t stop staring at me is following me. Later he kidnaps me and keeps me in a cage on a kind of cellar. I’m locked up, with only a bed, a shelf with a few books and a large wi-fi system embedded in the wall.
      He comes once in a while to bring me food and I pretend I am asleep, so I shut the light whenever I sense he is coming. But he always turns it on and inspects every inch and every corner of my cage, to be sure I’m not doing any attempt to escape.
      One day, I find that behind this wi-fi on the wall, there’s a tunnel. I don’t know how long it is or if it has an exit, but I plan to find out. One day my captor almost finds it. He touches carefully with his fingers the wall around the wi-fi, but he doesn’t manage to find the trick to open it.

      I then wake up and write the dream on my DJ. Later I wake up for real and realise I had a FA and then I can’t remember the dream anymore. Frustrated I fall asleep again, remember the dream while dreaming and wake up again to write it down.

      6:20 GMT

      Time-travel tourism
      I am on the rooftop of some historic building of a beautiful sunny city which I think is Lisbon. I feel a bit vertigo when I’m close to the roof’s limits I try to stay more to the centre. There’s more visitors there, looking totally cool and relaxed. I grab my camera from inside a bag and start taking pictures. I get down from this roof and continue my visit. Later I’m with my boyfriend at some strange old-looking pool. Half of it is covered by a wooden structure that offers shade but it looks totally bizarre. My boyfriend goes to swim and after a while in seems to be in distress so I go help him. But I don’t dive, I walk over the water (much better, no?). When I reach him I conclude he is just fine, so then I ask him if he can film me walking over the water. He agrees, so I go back to solid ground to get my camera. It should be again on my bag, but my bag is on a locker. I have a key, number 125 and I go to this kind of elevator that brings up the bag corresponding to the number of the key. But when I insert my key, it comes out a backpack with the number 152. I decide to go to the assistance booth to solve this. The girl who’s working there seems annoyed by my problem. She doesn’t help much, she just suggests I put the backpack in again and try use the key once more to get the right bag. I do so and it works, but I totally forgot by now that my boyfriend was waiting me and decide to go away.
      As I walk down a street paved in stone I see a man with 18th century’s garments. I look around and it feels like I’m in the 1920’s.

      8:30 GMT – wake up

      Updated 11-03-2010 at 11:49 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , false awakening
    9. Tuesday 3rd August 2010

      by , 08-03-2010 at 01:59 PM

      Remembered two dreams tonight! One fully, one almost fully and had a dream fragment floating around my head when I woke up. Also dreams where in first person. Could vitamin B12 be related? Will switch to B6 at end of week and note any distinct changes

      I vaguely remember my rat Stu being very bitey even though hes never bitten anyone in real life

      The Train

      For some reason I was having to babysit J in MB's flat. He had to take the train somewhere and so me and J decided to search his flat. We ended up finding a stack of leather bound magazine size books hed written about various regions hed created on the computer game "dwarf fortress".

      J wanted to take the train for some reason so i took her and we got on the train. We werent going anywhere particular so I was planning to just get the train back soon. Someone shouted this was my stop so me and J got off and on the bottom of the station was the person who told us it was our stop. It was some girl who thought she was my friend but id never seen before.

      We got the train back and on it met up with P, I think JW was also on the train.

      On the train I told P that it was OK that he wasnt very tall as someone i read about didnt have a growth spurt till they where 15. I also told him I was proud of him for not picking on younger kids and he told me he was changing schools to burton. I think thats where this dream ended

      The Pool and the wheelchairs

      Me, my Grandad and writer, journalist and broadcaster Andrew Collins (WTF?) were going on holiday together. Our room seemed to be a large warehouse with a swimming pool in the middle. Andrew Collins somehow got red paint on his feet and went for a swim. This caused the manager (a 30 something blonde woman) to have a massive go at us. After that I somehow stole two of those old people scooters for me and my grandad. The manager saw me and was angry so we pretended my grandad had a terminal illness called a "bookcase" in his spine that rendered him paralysed and would soon kill him. This meant I had got a scooter so we could go around together.

      She said OK but if she found out we were lying we would have nine seconds before we were kicked out. She turned to leave and my grandad started getting up when she turned around so i distracted her while he sat back down. She then left and my grandad stood back up. I then so a close up of a cctv camera and new wed been caught. I saw a countdown from nine and footage of naked ladies swimming round the pool with red pain sponges, Andrew Collins thought it was footage of him but i explained the manager had faked footage of us having a weird party to ensure wed be kicked out. When the countdown reached 0 i woke up

      Updated 08-03-2010 at 02:11 PM by 28625

    10. “Bewitched” Swimming Pool

      by , 02-18-1976 at 08:18 AM
      Night of February 18, 1966. Friday.

      When I lived on Rose Street in Wisconsin, I had a few dreams of there being a large swimming pool that took up nearly the entire back lot area, and was fenced in with an unusually high wooden fence (which I doubt could exist as such in reality). Samantha from the “Bewitched” series would visit on a broom (although she did not fly on a broom much in the actual series). The moon sometimes looked cartoon-like, or rather, like a colored-in yellow crescent with no detail, and the sky a deep blue - even with five-pointed and four-pointed stars instead of “real” ones. Since I saw the opening so often, I guess it had a lot of influence.

      Added online personal notes on Wednesday, 6 July 2016: This dream is a great example of one that holds moon induction, water induction, and a typical flight symbol. Even the fence represents a more defined liminal space.
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